What's on the Discs
Our patented CDs contain over a thousand all-original recorded sounds made over a period of years. We have utilized the absolute latest digital recording technology, in portable form, to gather the sounds in pristine quality. To intensify and concentrate the training exposure, we have edited and layered the sounds into relatively short "scenes". Because of the CD's ability to loop and shuffle the tracks, these seemingly "short" tracks can be extended indefinitely, and increased in volume until the horse is virtually immune to them.

Furthermore, Gary Hedden's knowledge of the psychoacoustics of pinnae-related localization (how horses perceive the source of sounds) resulted in a unique recording and mixing technique. This technique actually simulates the ear and head movements of the frightened horse when responding to moving sound sources, and encodes that sound into the stereo signal. Our pictures show that the horses we tested are initially very curious about the sounds coming from the small boom box, because they seem to be coming from locations beyond the dimensions of the speakers.

Extensive digital signal processing was employed in the mastering of these discs to make the utmost of the relatively limited playback fidelity of medium-grade boom boxes.



Technical Details

All of the CD tracks are originally recorded by us, using stereo MS (variable image width) microphone techniques and ultra low noise preamps. 24 bit conversion and storage is accomplished with a unique hand-held digital hard disc recorder. The individual sounds are then edited and mixed in a proprietary 32-bit floating point processor, and mastered with complex dynamic range reduction, so that the end result is consistent and aggressive audio level on the CD.


Product Descriptions

Totally Revised Editions Available and Shipping NOW!
Our newest offering includes SIX revised Editions, each of which contains the most commonly recognized troublesome sounds, plus tracks that are helpful to specific equine disciplines. The Mounted Horse Patrol Edition requires two discs to accommodate the number of tracks.

Please see instructions on How to Use any of these CDs.

Common Sounds on all discs, *except the NEW CMSA Edition (below)

  • Air Brakes
  • Big Truck Braking
  • Cars & Trucks
  • Children & Babies Screaming
  • Crowd Cheering
  • Dog Whistles
  • Dogs Barking
  • Farm Animals
  • Firecrackers
  • Four Wheeler
  • Gun Shots
  • Horns
  • Horse-Drawn Vehicles
  • Horses on Roads
  • Noisy Fan
  • Noisy Horse Trailer on Road
  • Sirens
  • Slamming Doors
  • Thunderstorm
  • Whinnies

Trail Riding Edition
12/08: Revised again, and available now!
total playing time 77:58, maximum available on a CD
Even More Intense
Than The Original!
45 tracks, Common Sounds above, plus:

  • Air Tools & Compressors
  • Branches Snapping & Rocks Falling
  • Cans Rattling
  • Chainsaws
  • Construction Tools
  • Crop Duster Airplane
  • Dirt Bikes
  • Farm Tractors
  • Farrier & Blacksmith
  • Heavy Duty Construction Equipment
  • Horses Galloping
  • Lawn mowers
  • Metal Gates
  • Motorcycles
  • Mountain Bikes
  • Quail Flushing
  • Rattlesnake
  • Tarp & Flag
  • Trains
  • Trail Ride
  • Waterfalls
  • Wild Animals
  • Wild Turkeys Flushing
  • Whips
  • Wood Bridge

Click HERE for a short Audio Preview

$19.95 USD (plus shipping and handling)


Show & Driving Edition
total playing time 75:45
48 tracks, Common Sounds above, plus:

  • Aluminum Bleachers
  • Auction
  • Branches Snapping & Rocks Falling
  • Cans Rattling
  • Car Alarms
  • City Busses
  • Construction Tools
  • Crop Duster Airplane
  • Dirt Bikes
  • Driving Show Class
  • Farrier & Blacksmith
  • Fireworks
  • Horse Show Stable Ambience
  • Horses Galloping
  • Motorcycles
  • Mountain Bikes
  • Quail Flushing
  • Rattlesnake
  • Show Organ
  • Sleigh Bells
  • Steel Wheel Vehicle
  • Stone Boat
  • Tarp & Flag
  • Trains
  • Wild Animals
  • Wild Turkeys Flushing
  • Whips
  • Wood Bridge

$19.95 USD (plus shipping and handling)


Show Riding Edition
total playing time 77:51
36 tracks, Common Sounds above, plus:

  • Air Tools & Compressors
  • Aluminum Bleachers
  • Auction
  • Car Alarms
  • Construction Tools
  • English Arena Class Ride
  • Farm Tractors
  • Fireworks
  • Horse Show Stable Ambience
  • Horses Galloping
  • Metal Gates
  • Rodeo & Roping
  • Show Organ
  • Tarp & Flag
  • Trains
  • Western Arena Class Ride

$19.95 USD (plus shipping and handling)


Mounted Horse Patrol Edition
total playing time 1:54:37 (nearly 2 hours)
contains Two Discs
61 tracks, Common Sounds above, plus:

  • Air Tools & Compressors
  • Aluminum Bleachers
  • Bagpipes
  • Big Cats & Elephant
  • Branches Snapping & Rocks Falling
  • Building Implosion
  • Calliope
  • Cannon
  • Cans Rattling
  • Car Alarms
  • Chainsaws
  • Chaos/Mayhem/Riot
  • City Busses
  • Construction Tools
  • Crop Duster Airplane
  • Dirt Bikes
  • Farm Tractors
  • Farrier & Blacksmith
  • Fireworks
  • Glass Breaking
  • Heavy Duty Construction Equipment
  • Helicopters
  • Horse Show Stable Ambience
  • Horses Galloping
  • Jackhammer
  • Jets
  • Marching Band
  • Metal Gates
  • Motorcycles
  • Mountain Bikes
  • Parade Ride
  • Quail Flushing
  • Rattlesnake
  • Sleigh Bells
  • Taps
  • Recall
  • Tarp & Flag
  • Trains
  • Wild Turkeys Flushing
  • Whips
  • Wood Bridge

$24.95 USD (plus shipping and handling)


Cowboy Mounted Shooting Edition
total playing time 75:39

31 tracks, specially chosen for CMSA training sessions:

  • Air Brakes
  • Aluminum Bleachers
  • Cannon
  • Crowd Cheering
  • Farm Tractors
  • Farrier & Blacksmith
  • Firecrackers
  • Fireworks
  • Four Wheeler
  • Gun Shots
  • Horse Show Stable Sounds
  • Horses Galloping
  • Horses on Roads
  • Metal Gates
  • Noisy Horse Trailer on Road
  • Parade Ride
  • Rodeo & Roping
  • Sirens
  • Tarp & Flag
  • Western Class Arena Ride
    Unique CMSA Tracks:
  • Pistol & Rifle Cocking & Dry Fire
  • Pistol Shots
  • Rifle Shots
  • Shootout Event Sounds
  • Compressor & Filling Balloons
  • Horses Running Different Level Courses
  • Dry Fire Rundowns
  • Level 1 Rundowns
  • Level 3 Rundowns
  • Level 5 Rundowns
  • Rifle Rundowns

$19.95 USD (plus shipping and handling)


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Additional Services
We are qualified and available to provide unique solutions for you. Gary Hedden’s audio consulting company can design, specify, and install custom sound systems that can greatly enhance the ear conditioning process. We are also available to create custom CD compilations of our existing library of sounds, or to field-record specific sounds that you specify. We can produce custom surround mixes of any of these recordings as well.

  • Custom Compilations from our library, and creation of Surround Sound mixes
  • New Recordings chosen by clients, made anywhere, anytime!
  • High performance Custom Playback System (multi-channel) Design and Installation
Contact Gary Hedden, to discuss your requirements

These audio compact discs contain recordings that are intentionally modified to increase their impact on the listener. Consequently, they may be frightening to young children, horses, domestic pets, and other animals, especially if played at high volume. A natural response to this auditory stimulation may be a self-preservation urge, which may include actions that are harmful or injurious. The producer, manufacturer and seller of these products, Sersland-Hedden, LLC, its owners or employees, assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the consequences of their use, even if used in accordance with our recommendations.

Disclaimer of Warranty; Limitation of Liability

Individual results from the use of this product may vary due to genetic, environmental, health, management, and facility issues. Therefore, Sersland-Hedden, LLC, producer of Spook Less products, its owners and employees, disclaim any warranties or guaranties, express or implied, as to individual results.

User expressly agrees that use of Spook Less Equine Ear Conditioning CDs is at user's sole risk, and that the user is solely responsible for the way that this information is perceived and utilized. Sersland-Hedden, LLC, it owners and employees, disclaim any liability for any injuries, damages or losses that might occur due to the use or misuse of these products, the advice contained within, the content of these compact discs, or the content of any information, service, or image provided through www.SpookLess.com.


Spook Less Compact Discs are protected by
Copyright Laws and are Patented
All Rights Reserved by Sersland-Hedden, LLC
Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.

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